Thursday, April 24, 2008

Diaper Free!!! (Well at least one kid is)

The day has finally come! Lydia is officially Diaper Free! She has been daytime potty trained for several months now, but in the last two nights we finally gave up diapers and she has done great! We decided this is just the right time because The pajamas she was wearing when it was cold outside had to be completely unzipped and removed in order to go potty. Now that it is warm her pajamas are easy for her to take care of when she needs to go potty. Previous to the last two nights without diapers, she had been keeping her diaper dry every night for almost three weeks!

I can't celebrate too much, though. Sophia will be two in June and that means I have to start the whole cycle over again. *sigh*

Here's a couple darling pictures of them in their warm pink pajamas.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today, April 18, is Josh's mom's birthday. We hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for being a great Mom, Mom-in-law, and Grandma!

The girls decided to have their own celebration and let her see the pictures. Some of the pictures we used flash and some we didn't. Sorry about some of the really bad red-eye!

The girl's made their own party hats. Also they have balloons but you can mostly only see the ribbons hanging down from them next to the girls.

Mom makes quick hat adjustment not knowing Dad was ready to snap pictures! Note there is already chocolate frosting on Sophia's face.

Red-eye and Lydia's homemade hat.

Lydia hamming it up with the cake.

Hats off to Grandma!

See how Sophia's eyeing that cake?

Just cute.

Sophia sees Lydia sneaking a taste.

Now it's a free-for-all on the cake!


I'll have some more, thanks.

And some more.

Caught you!

Tastes good!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Homeschool Families

We're not a homeschool family, at least not yet, but both Josh and I were homeschooled growing up. I found this very funny video highlighting some great homeschool stereotypes. Enjoy!

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Sophia and Friends

Today is Friday so I worked in Sophia's classroom. As you can tell these pictures are much more candid then the ones of Lydia's room because it's almost impossible to get all these kids to look at you at the same time--unless of course they're all strapped down!

Here is Sophia in the upper left hand corner. We are strapping the kids into a 6-seater stroller called a Bye-bye Buggy. You can only see four of the kids in this picture though.

Here are all but two of the kids. We actually had 12 but two were being so grumpy we put them in a double stroller by themselves so they wouldn't bother all the other kids.

Sophia is playing in a rocking chair. She was actually looking right at me and smiling until the camera took the picture.

The kids are all looking at and trying to catch bubbles but I don't think you can see any bubbles in this picture.

Finally Sophia is off the chair and grabbing at bubbles with the other kids.

Where's Sophia?

There she is!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lydia and Friends

I have been working now for almost two years in a church nursery on Tuesday and Friday mornings. The church has a lady's Bible study on Tuesdays and MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) on Fridays. On Tuesdays I work in Lydia's classroom, on Fridays I work in Sophia's. Today I'll post pictures from Lydia's class. Usually we have about 12 kids sometimes we've had 16. Wouldn't you know it, the day I brought the camera we only had 9?

Here's Lydia at the bottom right had corner. This is our story time rug. We sing a few songs and read a Bible story.

Here's Lydia and a few other girls playing with the "waffle blocks". They love to play with them!

The bright window behind the kids washed this picture out a little bit. Here's some girls on top an indoor playhouse/fort.

Here's the same playhouse from a different angle with a few different kids on it.

I hope you enjoy seeing a little bit of a day-in-the-life!

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Hallelujah! Almost done!

Five years, two kids, and our first home later...Josh has finished everything he needs to do to graduate from seminary with his Masters in Christian Education! He still has to attend a few more weeks of classes, but graduates are required to turn in all papers and take all tests early so that grades can be calculated in advance of the graduation ceremony.

I am so proud of him and so excited to be done with school! Although this excitement may be short-lived as he has already begun to mention getting his PhD. =)

Graduation is May 10. We would really appreciate your prayers as we decide what to do next. We are interested in a variety of things and in some ways that makes the decision harder. If we were focused on one thing we could put all our attention in that area. We are interested in him teaching Bible, either in the states or overseas. He is also interested in church planting, being an associate pastor, or many other things.

We have been asked to help start a church plant in Georgia and while Josh is very interested in that, I am not thrilled about Georgia. I wouldn't mind church planting somewhere else, but for some reason Georgia just doesn't do it for me. Keep us in your prayers! Thanks.

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