Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dad the Grad

On Saturday after five years of toil, Josh finally graduated with his Master's in Christian Education from seminary. Here are a few pictures of the event.

Here is one of the few photos of Josh actually wearing his robe although he is not yet wearing his "Master's Hood"

This is graduation chapel which happened last Friday. It was held in a decent sized church which was only a five minute drive from our house. They had this so they could take care of all the things they don't have time to do during the actual graduation ceremony.

This is a neat tradition. The faculty (note all their "Doctorate Hoods") come around all the graduates, lay hands on them and pray for them. Josh happened to be at the end of the row so actually had hands laid on him!

On Friday evening on campus they have a BBQ dinner for the graduates and their families along with rides and games for children. I actually had several pictures of this, but this is the only one that my photo hosting site would save for me. The rest were too big or something. Lydia rode this pony and had a great time, but Sophia wanting nothing to do with it!

The actual graduation ceremony on Saturday. You can see Josh in the lower center filing into the GIGANTIC church auditorium behind a blonde girl. This church probably holds 5000 people at a time and boasts a membership of 20,000!

I just took this shot to give you an idea what we were looking at the whole time. There is a giant screen so you can see what's going on more clearly. The staff and faculty of the seminary are sitting in the choir loft. The graduates are sitting in the front rows. You see words on the big screen because we were singing a hymn.

Here's Josh filing up to get his degree. He's fourth in line behind the speaker at the microphone. Also he's still directly behind the blonde. If she hadn't sat next to him I don't know how we would have picked him out!

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J. Folken said...

Congrats! This is a long haul. And we didn't even have kids when we did it. This ceremony looks MUCH bigger than what went on at Trinity. I'm excited for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

We didn't know there was a pony! Then again, since we're at the end of the alphabet maybe the animals were gone by the time we got there. Can you tell I'm bitter about being last in line for dinner? ;-)

Congrats to Josh, and to you too of course for keeping the family and the house running. You know these boys are nothing without us.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for Josh and for your family. What an enormous ceremony! Like you said, if he'd not been behind the blonde girl, how would you have found him? I wonder if they space recognizable-from-afar people every so often for that purpose?

H said...

Kat, you are so right!

Lady, I doubt they put that blonde girl there on purpose since it was in alpha order, but it sure helped us!

Wayne and Barb said...

If pride is a sin, I am guilty. Congratulations.