I have noticed of late that I haven't been satisfied with my "oldies" listening experience. I often tune into the local oldies station and I find I don't like the mix of music at all. I really couldn't put my finger on the problem and figured it was just a lousy station. That is, until last night. I rarely listen to music unless I'm alone, but Josh had the radio on and since he didn't care, I changed it to the oldies station. To my delight, I thoroughly enjoyed the music they were playing and commented to Josh that I hadn't heard some of the songs in years. Then the DJ came on and said "I hope you're all enjoying 'Way Back Wednesday' where we only play 50's and early 60's music." Eureka! I had the answer to my problem. Oldies stations aren't playing as old of music anymore! They mostly just play the crooning whiners of the 70's and to my utter horror they are even dipping into the early 80's. The major oldie bands who played in the 60's still get air-time (Beatles, Rolling Stones) because everyone would notice their absence, but that's about it. 50's and early 60's music is so upbeat and fun! I was getting sick of listening to the 70's whiners and thrilled to hear the boppin' 50's again. I wish I could find an oldies station that only played 50's and 60's music. Anybody know of one?
C'mon baby! Let's do the twist!
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I don't know if you ever listen to music online, but you can get a free yahoo account and use it at music.yahoo.com. I like their oldies station. After you log in, click on radio, and then radio station guide. They have an oldies station that does 50s-60s, and also just a 60s station.
80s music...blech
There's also Live365 and they have tons of "radio" stations. Check them out and ask Israel for links to really good ones.
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