Friday, April 4, 2008

Hallelujah! Almost done!

Five years, two kids, and our first home later...Josh has finished everything he needs to do to graduate from seminary with his Masters in Christian Education! He still has to attend a few more weeks of classes, but graduates are required to turn in all papers and take all tests early so that grades can be calculated in advance of the graduation ceremony.

I am so proud of him and so excited to be done with school! Although this excitement may be short-lived as he has already begun to mention getting his PhD. =)

Graduation is May 10. We would really appreciate your prayers as we decide what to do next. We are interested in a variety of things and in some ways that makes the decision harder. If we were focused on one thing we could put all our attention in that area. We are interested in him teaching Bible, either in the states or overseas. He is also interested in church planting, being an associate pastor, or many other things.

We have been asked to help start a church plant in Georgia and while Josh is very interested in that, I am not thrilled about Georgia. I wouldn't mind church planting somewhere else, but for some reason Georgia just doesn't do it for me. Keep us in your prayers! Thanks.

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1 comment:

J. Folken said...

Trust completely that God will route you where He wants you and that you may need to start out doing something that you won't end up doing. Spoken from experience. :) We were gung-ho about youth pastoring, but God took us through that to make us passionate about Christian education. It's a great journey, though. :)