The girls decided to have their own celebration and let her see the pictures. Some of the pictures we used flash and some we didn't. Sorry about some of the really bad red-eye!
The girl's made their own party hats. Also they have balloons but you can mostly only see the ribbons hanging down from them next to the girls.
Mom makes quick hat adjustment not knowing Dad was ready to snap pictures! Note there is already chocolate frosting on Sophia's face.
Red-eye and Lydia's homemade hat.
Lydia hamming it up with the cake.
Hats off to Grandma!
See how Sophia's eyeing that cake?
Just cute.
Sophia sees Lydia sneaking a taste.
Now it's a free-for-all on the cake!
I'll have some more, thanks.
And some more.
Caught you!
Tastes good!
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