Looking right from the door in "mid-gutting"(At this point I still wouldn't set foot in the thing)
Looking left from the door in "mid-gutting"
Finally I'm willing to go in. Standing at the back looking toward the front, here's what it looks like totally gutted. Anything you still see in the picture (such as insulation and cute little girls) we are planning to keep. We now have to walk on planks laid across the floor joists so we don't put a foot through the aluminum at the bottom.
Standing at the front looking toward the back.
A better shot of the floor. Compare this to the "mid-gutting" pictures above!
Standing at the back looking toward the front, you see we have put in the floors, ceiling and walls.
Standing at the front looking toward the back. Just for fun we set the toilet in it to see how it would look.
View from the door looking left.
Standing at the back looking toward the front. Floor, ceiling and walls are now painted. Off to the left you see the table "legs" and some wood on the floor as we block out where we will be putting things back in.
Looking back from the front.
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So, just out of curiosity, is this something you are leaving at your parents' house to live in when you visit, or will you be taking it to SD w/ you and living in it for awhile or permanently? Looks like an awesome remodeling job and I can't wait to see the finished product!
We're planning to take it with us and live in it until we find something more permanent. =)
Can't wait to see the end result!! Extreme Makeover trailer edition!! You guys are doing good work on it! -Tenisha
That looks so amazing! Great work, Josh. I'm glad to hear you are keeping the little girl accessory. I think it really adds to the place. Die kleine Mädchen sind schön The little girls are beautiful.
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