I've been wanting dining chairs for about two years now! Ever since we bought our new table we had mismatched chairs. A couple of old wooden ones and folding chairs. My husband asked me what special thing I'd like to buy with a portion of our tax refund. Without hesitation I replied "New dining chairs!" We have been looking and looking but either they were too expensive or they weren't the right style or they weren't the right color. Last night my hubby looked at Craig's List and someone was selling exactly what we wanted at an awesome price! (So good in fact, that I got a fancy new toaster oven called an Infrawave too) Here's some before and afters:
BEFORE Notice that we have two different kinds of chairs plus a child's high chair.

BEFORE Same thing slightly different view

AFTER The gorgeous matching chairs (we actually have six total which will be perfect when we put the leaf in the table)

AFTER Same thing slightly different view

Side by side comparison, you can see some spots on the old chair on the left where the paint is gone!

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Congrats, Heidi!
What fun to have furniture that is practical and beautiful! May you enjoy many a family meal for years to come in your new chairs!
Lisa (Gregory)
Ah, the question is always...what to do with the tax refund? I think this was a great decision. And I can identify, as we got a new table and chairs last December...we had been falling through our chairs for awhile. And you've got to love CL!! Your chairs look beautiful with your table. :)
H, That is exciting! :) They look great! So how is the Infrawave oven? Let me know if you like it too!
That's awesome. We spent all our tax return on paying off debt but next year, once we're overseas, I desperately want to replace our chairs. They are also mismatched but have the added adventure of being so rickety that we warn guests before allowing them to sit on them. :)
Oh, and I found your new blog!
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