Here's another shot with Lydia hamming it up some more.
Here are some pictures of the "Cursed Christmas Program". The person running it quit after the first rehearsal because of knee surgery, parts were cut and new people brought in. Then the day of the program there was a blizzard and it was canceled. We rescheduled it for the next week. Again another snow storm. It wasn't canceled, but the girls and I couldn't drive in because of the snow and Lydia didn't get to be in it after all. The following pictures are from a partial-dress rehearsal.
Here's Lydia the sheep with other sheep, shepherds and angels. She's in the center wearing pink.
Closer up of Lydia in the group.
More of the group. The girl who babysits Lydia is standing just behind and above her.
Here's more people in the play. You can see Josh between a lady in pink and a guy in red. (2nd person from the left) He was a shepherd who had a speaking part.
Josh and Lydia together. So sweet!
And now Present Opening Fun.
Here are the girls tearing in.
The following three pictures are of the baby dolls that a family friend gave us and the strollers that Josh and I gave them.
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