Standing in the back looking toward the front, you can see a bench on the right, the sink/stove area on the left and the bench/table area farthest away. You'll notice some trim is starting to go up around the windows.
Standing in the front looking toward the back you can see the bathroom area in the rear. We have set the tub in place although it is not hooked up. It's the cutest little tub I've ever seen!
Here's a closer view of the table and benches
Closer view of the sink/stove area.
Closer view of the single bench.
Closer view of the tub in the bathroom area.
And this is as far a we've gotten. We've added some more panels, we are sectioning off the bathroom area, we covered foam cushions with cushion covers, Josh built a bunk bed over the single bench so we can sleep both of our girls in that area (we will put railings around it before we are finished)and I made some curtains out of some similar (although not exact) material. This is from the front looking toward the back.
Here's the view from the back looking forward.
Here's a closer look at the sink/stove area. We also were given a fridge that perfectly fits in!
Here's the view through the doorway of the bathroom. Josh built in a small counter at the back.
Here's the left side of the bathroom. We are working on building in a closet next to the toilet.
Here's a closer look at the table/bench area. We decided to cut down the table from what you see above.
Here's a closer view of the bench and bunkbed. You can also see the curtains I made a little better.
Finally, while pulling layers of material off the cushions here's the three separate layers I found. On the left is the original cushion covers, then the first remodel to the right of that and the second remodel on the farthest right. We are keeping most of the most recent covers.
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