Friday, June 27, 2008

Fun videos.

Superman dates:

How to fit in at church:

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sophia Turns Two!!

June 23 was a very good day for Sophia, although it had some odd details in it.  The celebration didn't really start until Josh got home and we ate supper.  After that, we sang to Sophia and had cupcakes.  After supper we drove over to a water park for the girls to play. On the way there we saw a police van in front of us.  He turned down the same road as us and we joked that he was going to the water park.  When we got there--to our surprise he and six other police cars really were there.  Whatever had happened was over and two men were handcuffed in the back of one of the police cars, so we stayed and played.  We came back home and changed clothes and then left again about 15 minutes later to go out for ice cream.  In the 15 minutes we were in the house a huge branch broke off of a tree and blocked the entrance to our complex.  Josh moved it and we were thankful we weren't under it when it fell.  It was heavy!  We went out for ice-cream and then came home and put the girls to bed.  It was a good day.

Sophia is surveying her giant #2 cupcakes.

She seems to be taken aback at how big the 2 is.

Here is a picture of her while we sang to her right before she blew out the candles.  I love the look on her face.

Now she's being shy and silly while we sing.

Here she is with Lydia and Daddy playing with her new bus from Grandma.

Same bus.  The girls fight over this.  Poor Lydia doesn't understand why she didn't get any presents!

After supper and present-opening we went to a small water park.  Basically it's an area with non-slip flooring and lots of different things that squirt water.  The kids love it and I don't have to worry about them drowning like I would at a pool.  Here the girls are playing around as they wait for a bucket of water to "drop".  There are four buckets suspended overhead that are constantly being filled with water.  Once they get too full, they spill out on whomever may be below.  I also noticed in this picture that I caught Sophia in mid-air.

The big splash!  It looks here like the girls got soaked.  Actually they weren't quite under the bucket and didn't get too wet.

Running around the edge of the park.

Daddy points Lydia to something fun.

Sophia being mischievous.

This is just a cute picture.

I threw the next two in for free.  These are of Lydia at VBS.  Here Sophia and I are picking her up and the girls are so glad to see each other that they hug.

They played some music in the church sanctuary right before the kids assembled for their singing time.  Lydia's class was there early and she was busting a move right in church.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Think you're tough?

My wonderful husband was working very hard last weekend to make our condo ship-shape so we could put it on the market Monday. He was standing on a chair working on something over his head. He lost his balance a little and quickly stepped backward to put his foot on the floor. Unfortunately, he had forgotten about some tools he had left on the floor. He stepped right on top of this with his bare feet:

He got several deep cuts on the bottom of his foot and has only recently been able to walk normally. My poor hubby had to shed blood to get our condo ready. He kept working even in pain! What a guy!

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Free Range Chicken Broth

So I suppose it is high time I wrote something.  For some reason I seem to be having a major lack of creative energy.  Ever since Josh's graduation I've been in a bit of a fog.  We could use some prayer since we have no idea what to do now that his education is over.  We had planned to join a church plant in Georgia, but for various reasons that is no longer the plan.  We have commented to each other that if we didn't have to worry about health insurance for the kids (cause you just never know what might happen) Josh would give his two weeks notice at work and we would move into my parent's house in the Midwest.  We feel like we can't get out of Texas fast enough. However, it would be really nice to have a job lined up so if you want to pray for us or if you have any job leads we'd love to hear from you.

On a lighter note...I was in an organic food store the other day and I saw "Free Range Chicken Broth"  I thought it was really lovely that they let puddles of Chicken Broth slosh light-heartedly around the prairie before humanely capturing and canning it.

I saw Indiana Jones 4.  I liked that it had the same flavor of the previous movies (something I thought was grievously missing from the new Star Wars movies), but it was kind of corny in one particular plot theme that I could have done without.  They had a lot of nods to the previous movies and it was fun to spot them. What's really crazy is that I also saw Indiana 3 in the theatre...when I was 12!  Most of the people in the theatre were at least our age or older.  I noticed in older couple sitting next to us and it occurred to me that they were probably our age when the last of the previous movies came out.

Anyway, that's all for today...don't worry grandparents I'll post more pictures of the kiddos soon.

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